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EDS Can Help You Find Better Short Ideas…Seriously…Hear from Our Customers!

EDS is an analytics platform for fundamental investors. One area where our users have been finding particular value is in shorting...

One hedge fund PM recently referenced EDS in his quarterly letter saying, “Since we implemented some quantitative changes in tracking expectations around quarterly earnings reports…(we now look at options pricing, crowding and price momentum, among other things), cumulatively we have added almost 800 basis points of alpha in our short security selection.”

FIND THE BEST IDEA: EDS helps you find better short ideas faster, with a screening dashboard that systematizes your specific investment approach, takes into account your personal data points, as well as alt data, and then ranks the stocks in your universe that are leading short candidates.

GET SMART BEFORE EARNINGS: Shorts can be tricky going into earnings. EDS measures changes in valuation, short interest, price momentum, crowding, and options pricing (and any other factor you may choose) and indicates how the stock has reacted to them in the past.

CHOOSE OPTIMAL SIZE: EDS then weighs all the inputs affecting your conviction level, and portfolio constraints and recommends the optimal short position size for you.

“Within the portfolio, we noticed short interest spiking ahead of an earnings event for one of our shorts on the EDS event tracker. We ran a cross-sectional analysis on the fly, and immediately saw how much of an outlier it really was. No other names with similar metrics (margins, growth, leverage) were trading at such a high multiple – and even direct peers were trading at half the multiple. We super-sized the short and the stock was down 20% on the print. In the months that followed, the stock was down another 30%.”EDS User

GET A DEMO: Can we give you a quick demo of the EDS platform to help make shorting easier and more profitable for you? Please contact

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